Saturday, August 17, 2024

5:00 pm, Metropolis Cafe, 1039 W Granville


Sarah Kain Gutowski

… is the author of The Familiar (Texas Review Press, 2024) Fabulous Beast (Texas Review Press, 2024). Her poetry has appeared in The Southern Review, Gettysburg Review, Threepenny Review, and elsewhere. She is also co-creator of the interdisciplinary art projects Every Second Feels Like Theft and It's All Too Much. She lives in New York.

Cynthia Marie Hoffman

… is the author of four poetry collections: Exploding Head, Call Me When You Want to Talk about the Tombstones, Paper Doll Fetus, and Sightseer, all from Persea Books. She has received fellowships from the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing, Civitella Ranieri Foundation, and the Wisconsin Arts Board, and her work has appeared in Lake Effect, The Los Angeles Review, The Believer, and elsewhere. She lives in Madison.

Natasha Mijares

… is an artist, writer, curator, and educator. She received her MFA in Writing from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and has exhibited at MECA International Art Fair in Puerto Rico, The Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, TCC Chicago, and Locust Projects. Her writing has appeared in Container, Vinyl Poetry, The Gravity of the Thing, and Hypertext.

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